This is going to be kind of like my post about Gavin and Stacey :)
I have had the Friends box set for about 6 years and I have watched each episode like 100 times, and I would like to clarify that I am a MASSIVE friends fan. I can quote
every line and it's just an amazing show.
The best things are:
- comedy is excellent
- Chandler and Monica are amazing
- Chandlers sarcasm is to die for
- You feel as though you are watching an actual group of friends
- And I love that it is set in New York, and I love that because it's half a 90s show you see cool outfits!
Buuuuut, with every show there are bad points, and I know it is so terrible to even discuss them because I love friends but I am reviewing it, so here goes!
Bad/ annoying moments:
- Rachel in season 4 is very annoying, she has broken up with Ross for the second time and it was a petty break up so they are all getting back at each other. He starts dating Emily and she thinks she's still in love with him (I don't believe this) so she goes all crazy. But before this, she kind of competes being with someone with Joshua, and she could have been happy with him for a few months but she went mad! (not that I liked Joshua, he was boring)

- Phoebes and her triples are so un real - if you carry 3 babies full term you do NOT walk around as free and light as she did and the birth would more than likely be a C-Section. Could she have not just had one, or even twins that would work!
- The One Without the Ski Trip was annoying - it was a whole episode of pettiness and just talking in the dark because a car broke down. Bleh.
- Joey dating Rachel was stupid and the whole 'proposal' after her giving birth was ridiculous, it just made the whole wonderfulness of having a baby all annoying. That whole episode of trying to explain it just wouldn't happen. And Joey and Rachel, just a little annoying time filler until Rachel and Ross got together..

- Ross marrying Emily was all too fast and stupid, I like Emily but it would have been better for them just to wait a little longer and then maybe Phoebe could have been at the wedding, then you could have got rid of Elizabeth because that was never gonna work with Ross because she was 21! (although I
LOVE Bruce Willis) (and I guess it was a time for Ross to 'experiment')

- I
HATE Susan. This line when they are picking last names - "it's my baby too" no it's not, you and carol didn't plan it with a surrogate, you just happen to get with her as she fell pregnant by her HUSBAND, and the picking of the name bit with old carol actress and her adding Bunch as a last name, ugh no! She is better though when Ben gets older and at the wedding its cute.. but overall = ugh, annoying.
- I really think that it was unfair that the writers couldn't give Monica and Chandler a baby of their own, Monica wanted to be pregnant and everything. But, no, Rachel had to have a baby with Ross. I really didn't like that because they weren't together there was no chemistry and it's all weird, and Ross gets all defensive if Rachel dates anyone.
- One final tiny thing, in the end episode when Erika is giving birth and the first baby is born, the midwife man has delivered in and asks whether Monica and Chandler wanna cut the umbilical cord, the actor says CLORD!!
Now then, the infamous 'we were on a break' - here's what I think..:
- BUT...Ross shouldn't have slept with the zerox girl even though they were on a break, because even if he thought they were broken up he should be fighting for it because it was more of a fight than a definite break up, he loved her and that was what should have mattered, but...
- ..Rachel shouldn't have been SO into her job and made more time for Ross after work or on lunches

- AND she shouldn't have let mark come round which is what lead Ross to not go after her..
- she shouldn't have even suggested a break and should have forgave him for sleeping with the girl, because even though Ross was stupid to do what he did, he was hammered and it's so not like him
- but for the story line I guess they both had to grow up a little...
BUT YEAH,...Rachels fault! (and that's a girls opinion!)
Oh and SO many continuity errors are in friends haha!
As there are 10 seasons, and I am currently re-watching them for this post (I'm at season 5), I will probably update this post, but I have thought through as far as I can and I think i've said everything...but keep a look out!