I'm impressed! I really love Andrew Garfield, he IS Spiderman in my eyes. He did a fantastic job;
1) He's gorgeous
2) He's adorable with his cute little 'oops' smiles

4) His chemistry with Gwen Stacey (Emma Stone) is so real
I couldn't help but compare the Toby Maguire Spiderman to this one, because well you just have to...and I preferred how his father died in this one and how he dealt with finding the murderer. I liked how he realised his Spidey senses, the way he experimented and learnt to do things. And the best thing of all was the accuracy to the comic - he built his own web shooters!
The action scenes were incredible, his sarcasm and wit when defeating bad guys was just hilarious, I LOVED it.
I have one big criticism though....I DO NOT like Rhys Ifans or The Lizard..

This film is far better because he is involved in science, so the spider bite is more realistic. His family is better, and the beginning of them film mentions his parents and I like that.
Overall I would give it 3.5/5 purely because I hate The Lizard, but everything else is great!